Information for tenants
Every person is Germany is entitled to obtain housing on the regular housing market. The district of Konstanz is responsible for temporary housing for refugees in collective accommodation centres. Once your asylum application has been aproved or after 24 month at the latest, the temporary housing period will end and you may search for your own accommodation on the regular housing market.
Helpful adresses in the search for housing
Explanations on the topic of rent
’Kaltmiete’ literally translates to cold rent and is the basic rent for the apartment with no additional costs included.
’Warmmiete’ is warm rent, and is the Kaltmiete plus additional costs such as water, property tax, gas, electricity, and waste disposal services. These costs can vary depending on how many people live in the apartment, seasonal deviation, or the property market. These “side costs” are called Nebenkosten in German.
For further information on the topic of renting an apartment and on housing in general:
Michael Messner
T. +49 7531 800-1135