Information for landlords
You have a room or an apartment for rent and would like to make it available for people with a migration background?
The Office for Migration and Integration of the district of Konstanz (Amt für Migration und Integration of the Landratsamt Konstanz) provides support regarding housing for refugees.
Rental contract
Rent payments
If the refugees do not have enough income, the rental costs can be subsidised by the respective social service provider. For people with a residence permit, the job centre of the respective social service provider is responsible; for people in the asylum procedure or with tolerated status, the service department of the Amt für Migration und Integration (Landratsamt) is responsible.
Registering available accommodation
Preparation for the topic of “habitation”
Refugees are prepared for the topic of “habitation” in their group accommodation or follow-on accommodation. The district of Konstanz has designed a day seminar within the training programme “Living in Germany” in which the framework conditions of living in Germany are explored. From the rent contract to separation of garbage and insurance, the most important topics are covered here.
Evelyn Acker
Koordination Integrationsmanagement
T. +49 7531 800-1164