Networking of volunteers in the district
The organization of volunteers consists on the one hand of the so-called Helferkreis (helper group) meetings which function as the representative body of volunteers in the field of integration.
These meetings, which are held several times a year, provide a framework within which the volunteers have the opportunity to articulate their concerns of current issues in the areas of language, work, education, public health and volunteering and also to submit topics for inclusion to the networks of the Office of Migration and Integration through the elected representatives. Furthermore, the Board of Spokespersons of Volunteers functions as a mouthpiece between the volunteers and the administration as well as between the volunteers and the district politics. It consists of elected representatives of the individual networks as well as their deputies.
The Board of Spokespersons meets several times a year prior to the network meetings and collects information about the volunteers‘ current concerns in the different topic areas. All volunteers in the district can at any time communicate current concerns to the Board of Spokespersons through the Commissioner for Volunteers.
Anna Maria Ciba
Commissioner for volunteering
Tel. +49 7531 800-2754